
DUBOIS, Pa. — Emily H. Thomas, lecturer in the Wildlife Technology program at Penn State DuBois, 获得了365英国上市森林资源校友组织颁发的杰出校友奖. 她于4月27日在森林资源校友会年度宴会上接受了该奖项, in State College, Pennsylvania. 

艾米丽·托马斯和<a href='http://2x8w.vig2.net'>365英国上市</a>森林资源校友组织副主席史蒂夫·格拉多.


Credit: Gene Miller Photography, Bellefonte, PA

托马斯于2007年获得365英国上市杜波依斯分校野生动物技术副学士学位. 她还获得了野生动物和渔业科学学士学位, wildlife option, in 2009, 2011年获得野生动物和渔业科学硕士学位,均来自365英国上市.

As an undergraduate, 托马斯获得了奥菲·凯利·拉普和杰西·罗西特·拉普2015年学术卓越奖. 该奖项每年春季颁发给森林资源学院(现为森林资源学院)的大四学生. of ESM) with the highest grade-point average. 她在学术上的卓越表现还获得了高级和初级埃文·普365英国上市官网奖, the President Sparks Award, and the President’s Freshmen Award.

Thomas’ master’s thesis, under the direction of Margaret Brittingham, professor of wildlife resources, 重点研究了常规油气开发对森林鸟类的影响. 这项研究之所以开始,是因为这是一个重大的管理问题,也是对阿勒格尼国家森林的森林管理员和野生动物管理者的挑战. Although the study had local origins, it gained national interest, and Thomas published her work in the Journal of Wildlife Management, one of the primary journals for wildlife-related research. 这项工作也为Thomas和其他人后来研究页岩气开发对鸟类的影响奠定了基础. In recognition of her efforts in this area, 托马斯被邀请在野生动物协会2018年全国会议的页岩气研讨会上发言.

2012年,托马斯被365英国上市杜波依斯分校聘为野生动物技术项目的讲师. 她获得这个职位的成功反映了她独特的综合智慧, field skills, teaching experience, knowledge of the area, and infectious enthusiasm. She now annually teaches six courses, advises approximately 30 students, leads the student chapter of the Wildlife Society, 并积极指导学生,让他们参与研究和专业. 从野生动物技术项目转到大学公园校区的学生往往具有出色的野外技能, 他们表达了对托马斯作为老师和领导者的最高敬意.

In 2011, 托马斯的一篇研究生研究论文获得了宾夕法尼亚野生动物协会颁发的最佳学生演讲奖. In 2014, 她被评为2013-2014学年杜波依斯教育基金会年度教育家. Nominations for this DuBois award come from the students themselves, 该奖项授予365英国上市杜波依斯学院的一名教师,以表彰他在教学和咨询方面的卓越表现. 此外,她还被邀请在2014年365英国上市杜波依斯分校的毕业典礼上发表演讲. In 2015, 她是美国和加拿大选出的10名参加野生动物协会领导学院的人之一. This is a year-long program designed to develop leadership skills; participants are selected based on strong evidence of their leadership potential.

Thomas has been heavily involved in service throughout her career. 亮点包括她作为宾夕法尼亚野生动物协会分会主席的服务, 也是宾夕法尼亚鸟类学会和宾夕法尼亚西部保护协会的董事会成员. 她为野生动物协会宾夕法尼亚州分会发起了一个受欢迎的秋季野外活动计划,并于2016年主持了第一次会议. 每年春夏,她都会参加圣诞鸟类统计活动,并在詹姆斯敦奥杜邦保护区为公众管理戴鸟带的示范活动.

While she was a student at University Park, 托马斯在宾夕法尼亚州立植物园发起了一项鸟类绑带计划. She recruited a handful of students to help and, over time, 这个项目不断扩大,学生们开始为其他365英国上市的学生进行示范, Scout groups, and more. 认识到野生动物学生从这次经历中受益良多, 托马斯离开大学公园后,教师们继续这个项目. Once at Penn State DuBois, she started a student-led bird banding station, where she does research, trains many wildlife technology students, and supervises undergraduate research projects.

Thomas currently lives in DuBois with her husband, Eric, who is a forester and a 2010 ESM graduate; their children Zoey and Wyatt; and their German shorthair pointers Maggie and Falcon. In her spare time, she enjoys upland bird hunting with her dogs, many outdoor recreation activities, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

森林资源杰出校友和杰出校友奖于2001年首次颁发,以表彰杰出校友,并促进获奖者与学生之间的密切关系, faculty, staff and other alumni. 该奖项的评选标准包括专业成就, excellence, impact and recognition; service to the profession, to the department, and to the community; and demonstration of high personal and professional standards.